Quick Start: Cannabis How to use

CBD and other cannabinoids have become famous for promising research about the molecule’s ability to be beneficial in a remarkable amount of conditions such as the below, further research papers are cataloged in our research paper section under the Education Tab.

Acne, ADD, Addiction, AIDS, ALS, Alzhiemers, Anorexia, Antibiotic Activity, Heart Disease, Arthritis, Asthma, Autism, Bipolar, Cancer, Depression, Diabetes, Endocrine, Epilepsy, FIbromyalgia, Glaucoma, Heart Disease, Huntington’s Disease, Inflammation, IBS, Liver and Kidney Diseases, IBS, Metabolic Syndrome, Migraines, Mood disorders, motion sickness, MS, nausea, Neurodegeneration, Pain, Obesity, OCD, Osteoprosis, Parkinsons, PTSD, Schizophrenia, SCA, Skin conditions, Sleep, SCI, Stress, Stroke, TBI
CBD has been proven to produce beneficial effects by modulating 5HT1A receptors, adenosine uptake, CB2 receptors, PPAR receptors, glycine receptors, histone/DNA methylation, NFkB levels, anandamide uptake, and TRP channel modulation and more!

We invite you to read one of our favorite research papers to update you on the science of non psychoactive plant cannabinoids.
Please check out our other educational sections to learn more about cannabinoids effects on anxiety, pain, and skincare.

Follow the chart below for dosing guidelines and to see the different ways to use or ingest CBD and cannabinoids:


How to use cannabis as a personalized medicine video