What ratio of CBD to THC to use?

A common question my patients ask who are looking for concentrated oils to treat cancer is what is the ratio of CBD to THC they should use.

 A very important question given that both CBD and THC have been shown to have anti tumor effects! While we do not have any clinical trials yet, we go forward with the best data from case studies and experience with many patients we have worked with and that cannabis oil makers have worked with for years.

 There appear to be several take away points that are clinically relevant:

  • People have been having more success with oil that contains both THC and CBD, not just a pure CBD oil, there seem to be important effects the both CBD and THC exert.
  • Start low and increase dosing over weeks until you find relief or you cannot tolerate more THC
  • You have to work with individual manufacturers to find a recommended dose as each manufacturer may have a different concentration of CBD/THC per volume of oil.

Common starting ratios are 1:10 or 1:12 ratios of THC to CBD. You can lower the ratio if you desire more psychoactivity, and as you become more tolerant and experienced to THC’s effects. 

Many manufacturers have recommended starting with 50mg of oil once in the morning and once in the afternoon – but once again you will need to check with an experienced manufacturer to see what the concentration of their oils are and what their own patients have responded to. 

As always keep in mind the side effects of cannbis and THC

All the best

Dr. D 

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